Cards (6)

  • Syrian Aggression; encouraged PLO raids, calls for war liberating Palestine, incursions into demilitarised zone and they incited Nasser to be more anti-Israel
  • Inter-Arab Rivalries; Radical Syrian government taunted Nasser, Syria wanted to topple Jordanian King for being not anti-Israeli, and Jordanian King accused Nasser of hiding behind UN
  • Role of Nasser: Brought to brinkmanship, tried to deter Israel but knew his forces even with Syria and Jordan could not defeat Israel; he wanted to lessen Arab pressure (USSR: Claimed Israel was at border, and engaged in brinkmanship)
  • Teaching Syria a lesson: Israel cultivated demilitarised land to provoke Syria, so force could be used against them and PLO raids
  • Confidence in Military Success: After new national unity government, Israel carried out airstrikes; they were confident in victory in War
  • US Support: Ambiguous, Israel chose to believe they gave green light at end of May