Conformity + Asch's study

Cards (31)

  • What is conformity?
    A change in behavior/opinions due to pressure from a person/group of people (Elliot Aronson 2011)
  • Who suggested the three types of conformity?
    Herbert Kelman
  • What are the three types of conformity according to Kelman?
    1. Internalisation
    2. Identification
    3. Compliance
  • What is internalisation?
    Private opinion is permanently changed to genuinely match a public opinion (the public is a group the person feels apart of)
  • Why is internalisation considered a permanent change?
    Attitudes have been internalised
  • What is identification in conformity?
    Publicly changing opinions to match the opinions of a group because you want to be a part of it, but you don't acc agree with all of the group's views
  • What is compliance?
    Public behavior shows outwardly agreeing with the group to avoid disapproval but this is only shown in presence of the group - privately you disagree (temporary, superficial change)
  • What are the two main reasons people conform according to Deutsch and Gerard 1955?
    • Informational Social Influence (ISI)
    • Normative Social Influence (NSI)
  • What is informational social influence (ISI)?
    The need to be right in uncertain situations (cognitive process that leads to permanent change - internalisation)
  • What is normative social influence (NSI)?
    The need to be liked and gain approval (emotional process that leads to temporary change - compliance)
  • When does normative social influence most likely occur?
    When there are strangers present as you might be concerned about rejection
  • What was the aim of Asch's study into conformity?
    To investigate the effect of social pressure from a majority group on conformity to others' opinions
  • What did Asch vary in his study?
    The number of confederates in the group
  • What was the relationship between group size and conformity in Asch's study?
    Conformity increased with group size to a point
  • What percentage of conformity was observed with three confederates?
  • What happened to conformity rates with more confederates?
    Conformity leveled off with more confederates
  • What did Asch find about the presence of a dissenter?
    It decreased conformity rates significantly
  • How did the presence of a dissenter affect the real participant's behavior?
    Allowed them to behave more independently
  • What does the presence of a dissenter suggest about majority influence?
    It depends on the unanimity of the group
  • What effect did task difficulty have on conformity in Asch's study?
    Conformity increased as task difficulty increased
  • Why did conformity increase with task difficulty?
    Participants looked to others for guidance
  • What were the summary findings of Asch's study?
    • Group size: 31.8% conformity with three confederates
    • Task difficulty: increased conformity with unclear answers
    • Unanimity: conformity decreased with a dissenter
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of Asch's conformity study?
    • Counter-argument to Perrin and Spencer
    • Supporting evidence from Jenness (1932)

    • Biased sample of only males
    • Artificial task lacking mundane realism
    • Lacks temporal validity due to outdated context
  • What did Perrin and Spencer find when they replicated Asch's study?
    Less conformity among British students
  • What was the response to Perrin and Spencer's findings?
    Young offenders showed conformity similar to Asch's study
  • Why did the young offenders conform in the response study?
    Confederates had authority over participants
  • What year did Deutsch and Gerard develop their two-process theory?
  • What year was Jenness's study conducted?
  • How many participants were in Asch's study?
    Total group size was 16
  • How many participants were in Jenness's study?
    101 psychology students
  • What was the nature of the task in Jenness's study?
    Estimating the number of beans in a bottle