Cognitive approach to explaining depression

Cards (9)

  • What is faulty information processing as a part of becks explanation for depression
    Mental processors vulnerable to depression, person only focuses on negatives - catastrophic thinking E.G. persons negative events interpreted as own fault
  • What is negative self schema as a part of becks explanation for depression 

    schema is a framework of information that influences mental processes developed through life experiences. Beck said depressed people developed due to negative schema
  • What is the negative triad of depression prone processes as a part of becks explanation for depression 

    negative views about self and future and world
  • What is irrational beliefs as a part of Ellis‘s explanation for depression 

    Interferes with mental health may not be unrealistic but Stops happiness levels - E.G. musterbatipn is the belief we must always succeed
  • What is the abc model as a part of Ellis‘s explanation for depression 

    Activating event > belief changes > consequences (depression)
  • strength of becks explanation for depression: research support

    Cohen found adolescents with becks explanation for symptoms of depression were more likely to have depression
  • strength of becks explanation for depression: Real life application 

    Cognitive vulnerabilities treated with CBT E.G. Challenge negative thoughts to develop positive self schema to improve depression
    However some people are depressed due to biological not cognitive so CBT doesnt always work
  • strength of Ellis’s explanation for depression: real life explanation
    cognitive vulnerabilities treated with CBT E.G. challenge irrational thoughts with rational behavior to improve depression.
    however sometimes people depressed due to biological not cognitive reasons so CBT doesn't always work
  • weakness of becks and Ellises explanation for depression: controversal
    puts responsibility on individual (their thoughts are faulty) > alternative: past experiences led to negative thinking patterns but only explains current symptoms not cause