What are the changes during pregnancy of the uterus?
Increase in weight and size, supinehypotensivesyndrome in latepregnancy. Foetus compresses inferiorvenacava. Reduced venous return to the heart.Foetalhypoxia. Keep head above feet.Pillow under right hip
What are the psychological changes during pregnancy?
Stress, bodyimageissues, worrying about labour and health of baby.
Changes in oral cavity during pregnancy?
nausea/vomiting - erosion and sensitivity, increased appetite, pregnancygingivitis as gums become more responsive to plaque and local irratation, increased gingival bleeding, non-surgicalscaling and rsd okay to carry out, benignpainless pregnancy tumors.
Explain the pregnancy misconceptions?
Having baby does not ruin your teeth
Calcium and phosphorus are bound in tooth once formed, cannot be released into blood
Poordiet can lead to skeletalminerals passing to foetus.
Freecare – seektreatment – found to need extractions.
Hormones don’t cause periodontitis, just gingivitis / increasedgingivalbleeding
List some challenges of the Hygienist and Therapist and how its manages in the first trimester of pregnancy?
What are the challanges for the DHT in the second trimesters?
food cravings, backache, new weight/shape, syncope, advise re cariogenicsnacks, adjust chair, help pt in or out, lay pt on lefthandside.
What are the challanges of the DHT during the third trimester of pregnancy?
fatigue, backache, frequent urinations, dyspnoea, syncope, supinehypotensive syndrome, short appointments, adjust chair, don't lieflat, support righthip.
Describe the use of ionising radiation in pregnant women?
Highdoses can cause birthdefects. Dose for dental view is low. Foetus only sensitive to high radiation directed straight at uterus. Dental radiography therefore unlikely to cause damage. Weigh risk / benefit. ALARA. 0Consider parent’sworries
Why do drugs pose a risk during pregnancy?
Baby’s rapidly developing body is very sensitive to substances in the uterus. Greatest period of organogenesis is during firsttrimester. Foetal liver is not ready to deal with drugs. Consider prescription, over-the-counter, alternative and recreational drugs
What are the issues with alcohol during pregnancy?
Avoid in first trimester - miscarriage.
2 units twice / week, “Have not been shown to be harmful”* Can lead to foetalalcoholsyndrome from consuming more that 6 units a day.
List safe drugs for pregnancy
Lidiocaine with adrenaline, GA, Penicillin, Amoxycillin, Cephalosporins
List Contraindicated drugs in pregnancy?
Amalgam, tetracyclines, aspirins, codeine, ibuprofen, nitrousoxides, citanest in 3rd trimester.
What are the opportunities for the DHT during pt pregnancy?