Manual mechanical device - a device with simple mechanism powered by hand.
Manualmechanicaldevice required some sort of physical effort from the user when used.
The earliest data processing equipment were all manual mechanical devices due to the absence of electricity and adequate industrial technology.
Abacus is the first computer ever made.
Napier's bone was developed by John Napier who became famous because of his invention of logarithms.
Napier's bone - the use of “logs” enabled him to reduce any multiplication problem to a problem of addition.
Oughtred's Slide Rule was invented in 1650 by two Englishmen William Oughtred and EdmundGunter, based on Napier’s logarithms, to become the first analog computer (of the modern ages).
Pascaline was invented by the famous French philosopher, Blaise Pascal in 1642.
Leibniz calculator was invented by Baron Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz in 1674.
Leibniz calculator utilizes the same techniques for addition and subtraction as Pascal’s device but could also perform multiplication and division, as well as extract squareroots.
Analytical engine was invented by Charles Babbage in 1822.
CharlesBabbage is known as the Father of Computing because of his contribution to the basic design of the computer.
Analytical Engine was designed to use two types of cards – operation cards, to indicate the specific functions to be performed, and variable cards, to specify the actual data.
An electromechanical device is usually powered by an electricmotor and uses switches and relays.
Hollerith's punch-card machine was invented by Herman Hollerith in 1880.
Hollerith's punch-card machine - machine to tabulate census data easier during the WW2
Jacquard loom was invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard in 1804.
Jacquard loom used punched cards to create patterns on fabric woven on a loom.
Mark I was invented by Howard Aiken in 1943. Mark I was put into operation 1944.
The official name of the Mark I was Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator.
Mark I could perform the four basic arithmetic operations and could locate information stored in tabular form.
An electronic device such as a modern digital computer, has its principal components circuit boards, transistor or silicon and chips.
Atanasoff-Berry Computer - invented by John Atanasoff in 1942.
Atanasoff-Berry Computer - The first digital computer that used binary logic circuitry and had regenerative memory.
ENIAC means Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
ENIAC is the first large-scale general purpose digital electronic computer
ENIAC was invented by Presper Eckert Jr. and John Mauchly in 1943 to 1946.
ENIAC could perform 300 multiplications per second.
EDVAC means Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
EDVAC have more internal memory that any other computing device to date.
EDVAC - Memory was to be provided through the use of mercury delay lines.
EDVAC - Invented by John Von Neumann.
EDSAC means Electronic Delayed Automatic Calculator
EDSAC - The first full-scale computer with electronic stored programs, with its design based off of Von Neumann's.
Maurice V. Wilkes and his team at the University of Cambridge constructed the EDSAC
Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC)
UNIVAC - A computer milestone achieved by Dr. Presper Eckert and Dr. John Mauchly, the team that invented the ENIAC computer