T-Test (Hypothesis Testing)

Cards (35)

  • What is the purpose of t-test?
    To compare the means of two groups
  • Which type of t-test is used for comparing the means of two independent groups?
    Independent samples t-test
  • Which assumption is required for a t-test?
    Homogeneity of variances
  • What is the null hypothesis in an independent samples t-test?
    The means of the two groups are equal
  • What does a significant p-value in a t-test indicate?
    The null hypothesis is rejected
  • What does Cohen's d measure in the context of a t-test?
    The magnitude of the difference between group means
  • Which t-test is used when comparing the same group of individuals at two time points?
    Paired t-test
  • If the Levene's test in an independent samples t-test is significant, what should you do?
    Use the equal variances not assumed results
  • What is the critical value in a t-test?
    The threshold of rejecting the null hypothesis
  • When is a one-sample t-test used?
    To compare the mean of a single sample to a known value
  • Purpose of a t-test
    To compare the means of two groups
  • Which t-test is used to compare two independent samples?
    Independent samples t-test
  • What is the null hypothesis in a two-tailed t-test?
    The means of two groups are equal
  • What assumption does the independent t-test require?
    The variances of the two groups are equal
  • What does a p-value of 0.02 in a t-test suggest?
    The null hypothesis is rejected at the 0.05 level
  • Which of the following measures the effect size in a t-test?
    Tukey's HSD
  • When is the paired t-test used?
    To compare means of a single group at two time points
  • Critical value in a t-test
    The threshold for rejecting the null hypothesis
  • Test statistic in a t-test
    The computed t-value used to assess significance
  • What does it mean if Levene's test is significant in an independent samples t-test?
    The assumptions of the t-test are violated
  • Primary purpose of t-test
    To compare the means of two groups
  • Which t-test is used to compare the means of a single group to a known value?
    One-sample t-test
  • What is the null hypothesis in a one-sample t-test?
    The sample mean equals the population mean
  • What is the main assumption of the independent samples t-test?
    The variances between groups are equal
  • When is the paired samples t-test used?
    To compare the same group at two times point
  • What does a two-tailed t-test assess?
    Whether the means of two groups are significantly different in either direction
  • What does a significant p-value in a t-test indicate?
    The null hypothesis is rejected
  • What is the formula of for degrees of freedom in an independent samples t-test?
  • Which assumption is tested by Levene's test in a t-test?
    Homogeneity of variances across groups
  • If Levene's test is significant, what should be done in an independent samples t-test
    Use the "equal variances not assumed" results
  • What does Cohen's d measure in the context of a t-test?
    The effect size or magnitude of the mean difference
  • Critical value in t-test
    Threshold for rejecting the null hypothesis
  • Type I error in the context of t-test
    Rejecting the true null hypothesis
  • It increases the power of a t-test
    Increasing the sample size
  • Purpose of a one-sample t-test
    To test whether the mean of a single group differs from a specified value.