disorder characteristics

Cards (15)

  • define phobia
    irrational fear of an object or situation
  • what are the 3 DSM-5 categories of phobia?
    1. specific
    2. social
    3. agoraphobia
  • outline the 3 behavioural characteristics of phobias

    1. panic - response to presence of phobic stimulus
    2. avoidance - put effort into avoiding coming into contact with the stimulus
    3. endurance - remain in presence of stimulus with high levels of anxiety
  • explain the 2 emotional characteristics of phobias

    1. anxiety - prevents relaxing and fear is immediate
    2. unreasonable - emotional response is disproportionate to the danger
  • what are the 3 cognitive characteristics of phobias?

    1. selective attention - keep attention on phobic stimulus
    2. irrational beliefs - increases pressure in relation to phobic stimuli
    3. cognitive distortions - perception of stimulus is distorted
  • define depression
    mental disorder characterised by low mood and low energy levels
  • what are the 4 DSM-5 categories of depression?
    1. major depressive
    2. persistent depression
    3. disruptive mood dysregulation
    4. premenstrual dysphoric
  • outline the 3 behavioural characteristics of depression

    1. activity levels - reduced making them lethargic but could have psychomotor agitation (struggle to relax)
    2. disruption to sleep & appetite - insomnia (reduced sleep) or hypersomnia (increased sleep), increased or decreased appetite
    3. aggression & self-harm - irritable so verbally or physically aggressive towards others or themselves
  • explain the 3 emotional characteristics of depression

    1. low mood - experience of lethargic and sad
    2. anger - extreme anger directed at self or others
    3. low self-esteem - self-loathing
  • what are the 3 cognitive characteristics of depression?

    1. poor concentration - poor decision making and unable to focus
    2. dwell on negative - pay attention to negative aspects of situation, bias recall of unhappy events
    3. absolutist thinking - "black and white", unfortunate situation is a disaster
  • define obsessive-compulsive disorder
    condition characterised by obsessions and compulsive behaviour
  • what are the 4 DSM-5 categories of OCD?
    1. OCD
    2. trichotillomania
    3. hoarding
    4. excoriation disorder
  • outline the 2 behavioural characteristics of OCD

    1. compulsions - repetitive to reduce anxiety produced by obsessions
    2. avoidance - reduce anxiety by avoiding situations that trigger it
  • explain the 3 emotional characteristics of OCD

    1. anxiety & distress - thoughts are unpleasant, overwhelming and frightening
    2. depression - low mood and lack of enjoyment in activities
    3. guilt & disgust - irrational guilt and disgust towards external things or themself
  • what are the 3 cognitive characteristics of OCD?
    1. obsessive thoughts - 90% suffer from recurring unpleasant thoughts
    2. cognitive strategies - manage anxiety to distract them
    3. excessive anxiety - catastrophic thoughts about worst case scenario