Experimental methods

Cards (6)

  • What is an independent groups design?

    • participants are divided into groups
    • one group does an experiment with the first variable
    • the other groups does an experiment with the second variable
    • results are compared
  • What is a repeated measures design
    • all participants take part in all variables o the experiment
    • results are compared
  • What is a matched pairs design?

    • participants are assigned to groups
    • researchers match participants from both groups based on the characteristics of each member
    • this controls for participant variables
    • the experiment is then conducted as a normal independent groups design
  • What is a strength of using a repeated measures design?
    • control for individual differences
    • researcher can be certain the effect is not due to characteristics such as gender or personality
  • what is an extraneous variable?
    A variable other than the independent variable that may have an effect on the dependant variable
  • Why is it important to control extraneous variables in experimental research?
    • if extraneous variables are not controlled for then result may be confounded
    • the researcher does not know what is causing the effect