SSRI [selectiveserotoninreuptakeinhibitors] antidepressants are used to treat ocd by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain.
This is done by blocking the serotonin from reuptake, forcing the neurontoproducemore.
SSRIs must be taken daily for 12 weeks to see an improvement
NSRIs are also used to treat ocd.
They block both serotonin and noradrealine.
NSRIs must be taken daily for 6-12weeks to see an improvement
Benzodiazapines are an anti anxiety drug sometimes used to treat ocd by slowing down the central nervous system, relaxing the patient
One weakness of biological treatments for ocd is side effects such as nausea and weight gain
A weakness for biological treatments for ocd is that they are reductionist, only focusing on the biological aspects and ignoring the psychological ones
Side effects of
SSRIs - headaches, insomnia
NSRIs - hallucinations
BZs - aggression, memory impairment
A strength of the biological treatment for ocd is that it takes left effort than seeing a therapist
A strength of the biological treatment to ocd is that it is more cost effective than therapy
A weakness off the bio treatment for ocd is that most research into the drugs are funded by the companies that produce them, so there is a publication bias
When treatment stops, the symptoms of ocd will relapse