
Cards (10)

  • Lorenz's research - Aim
    • Investigate the mechanics of imprinting
  • Lorenz's research - Method
    • Divided goose eggs into 2 groups, half left with the mother, half with himself (him being the first living thing they saw)
    • documented their behaviour after they hatched
  • Lorenz's research - Findings
    • His goslings imprinted onto him, following him and showing no recognition of their mother even when mixed together
  • Lorenz's research - Conclusion
    • Early attachment is irreversible and long lasting
  • Lorenz's implications
    • Imprinting
    • later implications
  • Imprinting
    • an innate readiness to develop a strong bond with the mother
  • Later implications
    • if they didnt implant in a 'critical period' then it didnt happen at all
    • birds would develop sexual preference based on who/what they imprinted on
  • (Lorenz) + Research support
    • rubber glove study where chicks implanted on a rubber glove and tried to mate with other gloves when they were older
  • (Lorenz) - Contradiciting evidence
    • throughout repeated socialisation attempts, the birds were able to form 'typical' relationships contradicting the study's imprinting critical period
  • (Lorenz) - Generalisability to humans
    • questionsable as to whether the behaviour of birds can be generalised and applied to that of human development