
    Cards (8)

    • Harlow's study - Aim
      • To test the learning theory by comparing attachments
    • Harlow's study - Method
      • placed orphan monkeys with a wire and cloth 'mother' and recorded the time spent with each including during feeding and when stressed
    • Harlow's study - Findings
      • preferred toweling mother even without food
      • became very anxious when scared if it wasnt there
      • explored more with toweling mother
    • Harlow's study - Conclusion
      • monekys have an innate need for contact (more than food) to develop emotional security
    • Harlow's later implications
      Maternally deprived monkeys became:
      • aggressive
      • timid
      • sexually abnormal
      • inadequate mothers
    • (Harlow) + Supported/support from Lorenz
      • both studies found evidence for a critical period with negative consequences if missed
    • (Harlow) - Ethical issues
      • many ethical issues with depriving and studying animals especially research with long term effects
    • (Harlow) + Practical and theoretical value
      • helped social workers understand the risks of neglect and how to prevent it
      • developed theoretical understanding of mother-infant attachment