
Cards (23)

  • What is composting?
    A biological transformation of biodegradable waste
  • What does composting help to reduce?
    The volume of waste for landfill or incineration
  • What valuable product does composting yield?
    A product for soil amendment and mulch
  • How does properly processed compost improve soil?
    Improves soil nutrients and reduces erosion
  • What are examples of compostable materials?
    Yard waste, food waste, manure
  • What is the organic fraction of MSW?
    Food waste, thin plastics, papers, etc.
  • What is required for the composting process to take place?
    Organic matter, suitable microorganisms, nutrients
  • What are the two types of conditions for composting?
    Aerobic and anaerobic conditions
  • What does aerobic decomposition produce?
    New cells, CO2, H2O, NH3, SO4-, heat
  • What is produced during anaerobic decomposition?
    New cells, CO2, CH4, NH3, H2S, heat
  • What is the ideal particle size for composting?
    1. 257.5 cm
  • Why is moisture content important in composting?
    Required for microorganisms to assimilate nutrients
  • What is the ideal moisture content range for composting?
  • How does temperature affect composting?
    Different microorganisms require different temperature ranges
  • What nutrient ratio dominates microbial activity in composting?
    C : N ratio
  • What happens if the C : N ratio is too high?
    Slows rate of aerobic decomposition
  • What is the acceptable range for C : N ratio?
  • What pH level is ideal for microbial activity in composting?
    1. 5 – 7.5
  • How long does the composting process typically take?
    6 months to 4 years
  • What factors affect the time required for composting?
    Waste composition and curing process
  • What are the steps in the pre-processing stage of composting?
    1. Separate compostable materials
    2. Size reduction of the waste
    3. Sorting can be manual or mechanical
    4. Ensure waste size allows for aeration
  • What are the methods of composting?
    1. Windrow composting
    2. Aerated Static Pile Composting
    3. In-vessel composting systems
  • What are the issues and benefits of composting?
    • Pathogens
    • Bad odour
    • Cost economics
    • Heavy metal toxicity

    • Savings on soil amendments
    • Revenues from selling compost
    • Job creation
    • Knowledge generation