Believe it's possible to apply logic and methods of science to study society and solve it's problems
reality exists outside of human mind > natural word society has objective factual reality
reality is patterned = empirical patterns can be studied through observation and measurement
sociologists = discover laws determining how society works > uses inductive reasoning through research evidence
Positivist methods
Believe sociology should follow example of natural science using experimental methods for research where sociologists can test hypothesis in a systematic and controlled way
quantitative data > measure patterns of behaviour > relationship of cause and effect
objectivity and attachment, e.g. lab experiments and official stats
Example, Durkheim
Study on suicide explains patterns in suicide stats as being caused by differences in levels of integration and regulation
Evaluation of positivists
Interpretivists argue positivists attempts to try and find macro/structural causes of social phenomena and ignoring role of individual
Science operates on principle of falsification rather than verification > fail to prove something wrong, science shows it's been tested
sociology is not scientific, it has potential if it focuses on falsification
Natural science operates with a paradigm = an accepted framework of concepts
If sociology gets to an agreed paradigm then it can be scientific > constant competition between theories but the scientific paradigm is rarely questioned
Keat and Urry, realists
Sociology fits into open systems:
closed systems = variables can be controlled and precise measurements can be taken
open systems = not all variables can be controlled