Cards (7)

  • What in the biological approach influences aggression?
  • What are the strengths?
    Create drugs that can reduce aggression - understanding hormones and neurotransmitters
    Brain scans show amygdala activity - angry faces shown - more sensitive - cocarado 2007 - biology is a key factor
  • What is the weakness?
    Biological factors interact - brain structure and hormones interact but also non - biological ones (social) - complex causes of aggression
  • How does evolution explain aggression?
    survival of the fittest - passing down genes that influence behaviours that are key for survival - one of these could have been aggression - help us keep mates and fight off predators
  • How does the brain influence aggression?
    Limbic system - amygdala - more sensitive = more aggressive - linked with responses to aggression - more sensitive the amygdala the more quickly you react to threatening stimuli
  • How does neurochemistry influence biology? 

    Testosterone - men more aggressive than women - they have higher levels of testosterone - in male development they have higher levels of testosterone and are more aggressive
    Dopamine - brains reward chemical - want to win a battle - so you use aggressive behaviour
    Serotonin - found in orbital frontal cortex - low levels lead to emotional instability - more aggressive
    Cortisol - linked with testosterone - low levels of cortisol means testosterone can influence aggression but high levels of cortisol block testosterone
  • How does genetics influence aggression?
    MAOA gene - enzyme that sweeps up neurotransmitters - low activity enzyme can cause disruption in neurotransmitters functions - aggressive
    SRY gene - males and testis development triggers development of testosterone