Cards (8)

  • What key concepts can explain consumer behaviour ?
    Eye tracking
    Facial coding
  • What is neuro-marketing?
    Using the studies of the brain and applying them to marketing to understand consumer behaviour
  • What are examples of neuromarketing?
    Eye tracking
  • What is fMRI and how does it work?
    Tracks the brains activity while it is working
    Also tracks blood oxygenation levels in parts of the brain - more active more oxygen is needed
    HIW - Lay down on the board, watch ad, tracks brain activity, creates 3d images of the brain
  • What is eye tracking?
    Tracking the movements of peoples eyes to see what capture their attention in an ad
    Linked with cognitive factors - attention and memory
    looking what what catches peoples attention and if they remember it
  • What is facial coding?
    Tracking peoples facial movements
    Ekman and Friesian - electrodes attached to peoples faces to track slight muscle movement - linked with emotions - what people think about adverts - like or dislike
  • What are the strengths?
    Get more in-depth information - fMRI - scanned people brains while listening to chart songs - asked for conscious opinion on song - didn't match charts - gives more personal information
  • What are the weaknesses
    Unethical - controlling/manipulating peoples unconscious decisions
    There are better market research methods - focus groups, facial coding, fMRI and eye tracking where all used in market research - focus groups better - don't have to rely on biological explanations