means to ensure "Right health information is provided to right person at right place and time in secure, electronic form to optimize quality and efficiency of health care delivery, research, educ and knowledge.
RxBox (DOST)
BP Monitor
Main Unit
Power Unit
Fetal Movement Marker
Fetal Heart Monitor
Maternal Tocometer
Temperature Sensor
Pulse Oximeter
A set of web-based for various health care institutions such as hospitals and rural health units
PhilHealth eClaims Portal
A comprehensive browser-based solution for your Philhealth eClaims processing
Electronic Health Records (EHR)
Paperless patient charting allowing for a faster access to clinical records
Queue Management System
Manage patient queue for a better patient experience
Hospital Information System
Effectively manage medical and business operations using an end-to-end solution
EHR- Cloud Telemedicine
Boost patient care by managing online consultations anytime and anywhere
Set and administer online appointments from your finger
Document Management System
A digital and Secure document storage for your medical files
A complete imaging solution with a variety of functions and extreme precision
HR + Payroll System
An all exclusive employee data management system that best fits your hospital facility
Community Health Information and Tracking System (CHITS)
Pioneering EMR developed in 2004
for easier workflow integration
implemented in 208 sites
first implemented at Dr. Elvira Manaloto-Lagrosa Health Center (Pasay, City)
May 10, 2004
Wireless Access for Health EMR (WAH EMT)
The current WAH group expanded CHITS with new modules (Synchronized Patients Alerts via SMS, mobile midwife and statics aggregator)
eHealth Tablet for informed decision making of LGUs (eHatid)
EMR software application for mabile android devices, dashboard and Mayor-Doctor Communication
Event-based Surveillance and Response System (ESR)
It involves reporting all health events that raise concern, fear, alarm in the community which may be known, suspected or possible impact on human health
Integrated Hospital Operations and Management Information System (iHomis)
it has modules for the following areas in the hospital:
Emergency Room
Billing and Cashier
Laboratory and Radiology
Integrated Tuberculosis Information System (IT IS)
has a case management module that captures patients demographic profile, TB examination record and treatment information
Mag-Ina (Maternal and Neonatal Telereferral System) MInTS
web based maternal and neonatal telerefferal system
it enables lying-in clinics to electronically send referrals requests when pregnant mothers and newborns need to be transferred to a higher care facility
National Rabies Information System
allows animal bite treatment center to capture bite reports fro submission to program managers
PhilHealth eClaims System
Claim Reimbursement Transactions
Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response System
reporting based systems of priority disease or syndromes and conditions such as Acute Viral Hepa, Dengue, Cholera, Malaria, Measles and Acute Encephalitis
Secured Health information Network Exchange (SHINE)
it has referral features and SMS reminded facility for scheduled visits/appointments
SegWorks Integrated Health Management System (SegIHMS)
A suite hospital and community electronic health information system
DOH Implementation
For remote and underserved areas
Through national telehealth center
Surveillance in Post Extreme Emergencies and Disasters
reporting cases through health emergency management staff's with support from WHO
eHealth Vision
By 2020 eHealth will enable widespread access to health care services, health information, securely share & exchange patients’ info.
July 13
joint national ehealth governance structure was formed Sept 13
Key Strategic Guiding Principles
Ehealth must serve needs of client
Collaboration and partnerships
Users involved at all phases of development
Entities that started health must be recognized
Human Resource made available by building capability to implement the health agenda
more focus, judicously, efficient use of resources \
Must be alligned or harmonized
Must comply to relevant laws and regulations
Investments must be made on all areas that deliver greatest benefits to health consumers
Philippines Health Technology Assessment Council (HTAC)
Created by Universal Healthcare Law
Administrative order No. 2020-0041 New implementing guidelines