Vaccination Computation

Cards (8)

  • Infants
    infants= total population x 2.7%
  • 12 to 59 month old children
    total population x 10.8%
  • Pregnant
    total population x 3.5 % (New formula: total population x 2.037%)
  • Vaccine requirement for the year
    = eligible pop x # of doses x wastage multiplier
  • Requirement for the year in bottle
    = requirement for the year doses/ # of doses per bottle
  • Monthly Vaccine Requirement
    = Requirement for year in bottle/ 12
  • Reserved Stock
  • Wastage Multiplier
    DPT, Penta, OPV, TT= 1.67%
    Hepa B= 1.20
    AMV/MMR= 2.0
    BCG= 2.5