Social Support

Cards (10)

  • Locus of Control
    Individual's belief in controlling life events.
  • Social Support
    Presence of others resisting social control pressure.
  • Asch's Research

    Study showing majority influence on conformity.
  • Disobedience
    Act of refusing to follow authority commands.
  • Mundane Realism
    Real-life applicability of experimental settings.
  • Albrecht's Programme
    8-week initiative reducing smoking in pregnant teens.
  • Dissenting Peers Support
    Support from peers encourages individual disobedience.
  • Gamson's Study
    Research showing 88% disobedience in smear campaign.
  • Catalyst for Disobedience
    Breaking majority consensus encourages further disobedience.
  • Social Opinions
    Discussion among individuals influences conformity and obedience.