Waterfalls and gorges

Cards (13)

  • How is a gorge formed?

    When the soft rock erodes and the overhang of hard rock collapses, the river retreats upstream creating a steep sided gorge.
  • How is the soft rock eroded?
    Through erosion processes such as hydraulic action which is the sheer force of the water eroding beds and banks
  • What is created when the soft rock erodes?

    A water fall.
  • What is another name for the soft and hard rock?
    Alternating rocks of different geology.
  • Why does the hard rock form an overhang?

    Because it takes longer to erode than the soft rock as it is harder.
  • When the overhang collapses what does it fall into?
    A plunge pool.
  • What is a plunge pool?

    What the waterfall falls over the overhang into.
  • What happens between the river load due to the fast moving currents?

    Abrasion where the river load scrapes against the bed and banks
  • What is the soft rock called on High force waterfall on the river tees?
    Shale, sandstone and limestone
  • What is the hard rock called on the High Force waterfall along the river tees?
  • Where is the river tees?

    In County Durham
  • What is the waterfall called along the river tees?

    High force waterfall
  • How large is the gorge on High Force waterfall?