Meanders and oxbow lakes

Cards (14)

  • What is a meander?

    A bend or curve in a river
  • Where is the shallowest water in a meander bend?
    Inside bend
  • Where is the deepest water on a meander bend??
    Outside bend
  • Where does the most erosion occur in a meander?
    Outside bend
  • What types of erosion occur on the outside bend?
    Hydraulic action and abrasion
  • Why does most erosion occur on the outside bend?
    Because the faster current is on the outside bend leading to more erosion
  • Why does a slip off slope/river beach form on the inside bend?
    Because of deposition due to the slow current not being able to erode
  • Why does a river bank/overhang form on the outside bend?
    Because of the undercut from lateral erosion
  • What causes the meander shape to change?
    Erosion on the outside bend and deposition on the inside bend
  • What does erosion and deposition lead to in meanders?
    The neck of the land within the meander narrows
  • What does narrowing of the meander neck cause?
    Causes the two outside bends of different meanders to touch
  • What can cause the two outside bends to meet?
    During times of flood, the river cuts through the narrow neck
  • What happens when two outside bends meet?
    A new river channel is created, and the rive flows down the shorter route, blocking off the old meander with deposition
  • How is an oxbow lake formed?
    1. Neck narrows
    2. The two outside bends meet
    3. A new shorter channel is created which the river flows through
    4. The old meander is blocked off by deposition from the new river channel