
Cards (22)

  • What is participant bias?
    When participants act as researchers expect
  • How does researcher bias influence a study?
    It affects design, data collection, and interpretation
  • What is sampling bias?
    When the sample is not representative of the population
  • What are expectancy effects in research?
    Subtle cues from researchers influence participants
  • How can expectancy effects be minimized?
    By training interviewers to be neutral
  • What is confirmation bias?
    The tendency to interpret data to fit beliefs
  • How can confirmation bias be reduced?
    By using researcher triangulation in interviews
  • What is selection bias?
    When the sample is not representative due to selection
  • How does selection bias occur?
    • Using non-random sampling methods
    • Excluding certain groups from the study
    • Over-representing easily accessible participants
  • How can selection bias be avoided?
    • Use random sampling techniques
    • Ensure diverse representation in the sample
    • Counteract potential sources of bias
  • What is social desirability bias?
    Participants respond in socially acceptable ways
  • How can social desirability bias be minimized?
    By creating trust between researcher and participants
  • What causes interview bias?
    Interviewer behavior, including body language
  • How can interview bias be reduced?
    • Peer review with colleagues
    • Using multiple coders
    • Member checking with participants
  • What is attrition bias?
    Differences due to participants dropping out
  • How does attrition bias occur?
    • Participants leave for research-related reasons
    • Higher dropout rates in one condition
    • Loss of participants in longitudinal studies
  • How can attrition bias be avoided?
    • Analyze characteristics of dropouts
    • Use intention-to-treat analysis
    • Implement strategies to minimize dropout
  • What strategies can quantitative researchers use to avoid bias?
    • Deception
    • Guarantee anonymity/confidentiality
    • Standardized instructions
    • Pilot studies
    • Triangulation
  • What strategies can qualitative researchers use to avoid bias?
    • Pilot studies
    • Triangulation
    • Open-ended questions
    • Reflexivity
    • Transparency in context description
  • What is acquiescence bias?
    The tendency to agree with statements regardless
  • How does acquiescence bias occur?
    • Using agree/disagree response formats
    • Presenting leading questions
    • Cultural factors influencing responses
  • How can acquiescence bias be avoided?
    • Use balanced scales with positive/negative items
    • Vary question formats and response options
    • Include reverse-coded items in questionnaires