Reproductive System

Cards (18)

  • The Reproductive system is involve in
    Sexual Reproduction
  • Similarities of Reproductive of Males and Females
    ●Embryological Structure
    ● some hormone
  • Produces sperms cell
  • Sac of the skin that hold the testes
  • Deposits sperms into vagina during mating
  • Carris sperms from testes to urethra
    Vast Deferens (tube)
  • Carries sperms and urine out of the body

  • Provides liquid in which sperms can travel

  • Secretes a fluid that makes up most of the component in sperm
    Seminal Vesicle
  • Secretes a slightly alkaline milky fluid tas is discharge as part of the semen
    Prostate gland
  • Secretes a thick and clear mucus that lubricates and neutralizes the any trace of acidic urine in the urethra 

    bulbourethral gland
  • Function of female Reproductive system
    ●produce female sex cells
    ●recieve sperm cell
    ● nature the development and provides nourishment for new individual
  • Produce egg cell
  • Serve as site passageway of egg from the ovary to uterus
  • Serve as site of egg implantation: where the fertilised egg develop
  • Revieve the penis during msting
  • Vaginal canal
    It provide passageway for blood and muscular tissue from the uterus to leave the body
  • Viginal Canal Function
    ● where Penis Insert
    ●provides a passageway for childbirth