Cards (24)

  • the mission of the church basis
    in matthews gospel, jesus' last instruction to his disciples was to make disciples of all nations, and in the parable of the sheep and goats, made it clear to do good things for less fortunate people
  • mittere
    to send, mission etymology. from this, 'go therefore and make disciples', jesus was talking to everyone who would follow him in the future too
  • john 20:21
    Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."
  • mission of the church
    to share the good news of Christ and to spread the Kingdom of God; christians are sent out to do gods work in the world
  • evangelism definition
    The spreading of the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness
  • evangelism example
    st paul travelling around the Mediterranean and visiting people who didn't know about christianity to persuade them to join the community of christians
  • the church missionary society (CMS)
    Established in London, England, in 1799
    engaged in mission in africa, japan and the pacific islands
    offered health and social care
    trained people to be ministers so when they returned to europe local churches would continue
    continued until the 20th century
  • the evangelical alliance mission (TEAM)
    set up in 1890, still going
    doctors, nurses, pharmacists and teachers who set up and staff churches, hospitals and schools in countries where christianity isnt popular
    one example is the karanda mission hospital in zimbabwe
  • karanda mission hospital statement
    demonstrating the compassion of christ through medical work, establishing and strengthening the local church through particiption in spiritual ministry ...
  • the alpha course
    Started in 1977 and its aim was to help church members understand the Christian faith more. Now it is also an intro to people trying to start the faith and it is aiming to convert others. It takes place in churches but also peoples' homes, prisons, workplace and unis.
  • mission for the poor and disadvantaged
    wealthy christians provided schools for pauper children and housing for the elderly in the middle ages; in the 19th century christians left money for food
  • the childrens society
    This is a charity dedicated to helping the poor that was founded in 1881. It aimed to help poor children in the Industrial Revolution. The Archbishop of Canterbury supported this & it allowed its founders to house homeless children & give them an upbringing, setting up cottage homes with around ten children and a matron and master acting as parents.
  • christian aid
    A Christian charity that provides emergency and long-term aid to the developing world. Founded after WW2. Does not seek to convert people, as it follows Jesus teachings to feed the poor etc
  • Church Urban Fund (CUF)
    This is a Christian charity established in 1985 by the Church of England & it provides financial & practical support to Churches & communities in poor urban areas to improve the quality of life of local people & to support work for social justice for the poor.
  • mission to the christian community - 19th century
    early - most people were christians and went regularly. mission was to provide facilities and staff for worship
    late - many new churches built due to population growth from industrial revolution. many people needed money and social care so one part was to raise money and train clergy to work
  • mission to the christian community - 20th century
    early - new dioceses created in CoE
    new churches built as towns grew
    some christian denominations agreed to share facilities
    late - ecumenical partnerships started happening (1960s)
  • Ecumenical
    universal; general; fostering Christian unity throughout the world
  • ecumenism
    The movement to restore unity among all Christians and the churches
  • ecumenism example
    church of christ the cornerstone in milton keynes
    unites CoE, baptists, methodists, catholics and united reformed
  • mission to the christian community - early 21st century
    different form of engagement for a less religious wave of young people
    Fresh Expressions
  • fresh expressions
    This is an informal way to teach Christianity as it goes to unorthodox places e.g. cafes, skate parks etc. in order to preach Christianity. Worship in these new churches is focused on the interests & concerns of the people in the congregation & fits in around the times of the members rather than a formal church service.
  • views on mission - quakers
    god speaks directly to the heart of people, so evangelism is wrong because it interferes with gods work in the lives of individuals
  • views on mission - salvation army
    serving the poor and needy is more important than preaching god
    - isnt that what he wanted?
  • exclusive brethren
    small denomination split from the plymouth brethren believe the whole world is contaminated by sin and to be saved they must cut themselves off from mainstream society to keep free from sin