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  • What was the focus of Muslim empires during the Age of Exploration?
    Territorial control and overland trade routes
  • How did European maritime voyages differ from Zheng He's voyages?
    Europeans focused on trade and colonization
  • What were key advancements in ocean travel technology?
    Astrolabe, compass, and caravels
  • What was Galileo Galilei's contribution to science?
    Improved the telescope and supported heliocentrism
  • What was the astrolabe's role in European exploration?
    Determined latitude by measuring star positions
  • How did the compass aid European exploration?
    Enabled accurate navigation without land sight
  • What advantages did caravels offer sailors?
    Smaller, lighter, and more maneuverable ships
  • What were galleons designed for?
    Long-distance trade and warfare
  • What was the primary focus of the fluyt ship?
    Prioritized cargo capacity and efficiency
  • Which two European powers competed in North America?
    England and France
  • What motivated French settlement in North America?
    Fur trade and profitable colonies
  • How did the Dutch establish dominance in the East Indies?
    By forming the Dutch East India Company
  • What was Spain's main reason for colonization?
    To acquire wealth, especially gold and silver
  • What aided Hernan Cortes in conquering the Aztec Empire?
    Alliances with native groups and superior weaponry
  • What was the purpose of the Muscovy Company?
    To develop commerce between England and Russia
  • What was the role of the British East India Company?
    Controlled British trade in India and Asia
  • Which kingdom initiated the Age of Exploration?
  • How did European explorers justify their expansion?
    As a fulfillment of divine will
  • Why did England and the Netherlands emerge as maritime powers later?
    Due to commercial success and naval technology
  • Where did the first successful slave revolt occur?
    Saint-Domingue (now Haiti)
  • What did the Treaty of Tordesillas accomplish?
    Divided newly discovered lands between Spain and Portugal
  • What diseases devastated Indigenous populations in the New World?
    Smallpox and measles
  • How did the Columbian Exchange benefit Europeans?
    Introduced new foods that increased productivity
  • How did horses impact Indigenous American lifestyles?
    Transformed transportation, hunting, and warfare
  • What crops were transferred between Afro-Eurasia and the Americas?

    Wheat, sugar, and coffee to Americas
  • Why were African slaves imported to the Americas?
    Demand for labor on plantations after Indigenous decline
  • How did Spanish and Portuguese exploration differ?
    Spain focused on conquest, Portugal on trade
  • What did the Columbian Exchange introduce to the Americas?
    Horses, cattle, wheat, sugar, and diseases
  • What did the Columbian Exchange introduce to Europe?
    Potatoes, maize, tomatoes, and tobacco
  • What impact did the slave trade have on African societies?
    Disrupted societies and caused political instability
  • What were "engenhos" in Brazil?
    Sugar mills central to the sugar industry
  • What are cash crops?
    Crops grown for sale, not personal use
  • What demographic impact did the slave trade have in Africa?
    Forced removal of millions and population loss
  • What was the Triangular Trade system?
    Exchange of goods and slaves between three regions
  • What did African traders prefer in slave trade exchanges?
    Firearms, textiles, and alcohol
  • What does the "Middle Passage" refer to?
    Brutal journey of enslaved Africans to Americas
  • What characterized the Asante Kingdom?
    Powerful military and wealth from gold trade
  • What role did Swahili Arabs play in trade?
    Connected Africa with Indian Ocean trade networks
  • How did Omanis challenge Portuguese dominance?
    Established control over key ports like Zanzibar
  • What were the effects of European expansion in mining?
    Led to inflation and global trade development