Cards (5)

  • Genetics (heritability)
    • Psychological characteristics e.g. intelligence are inherited in a similar way to height, eye colour 
    • Monozygotic (MZ) twins- identical (one egg, split into 2), share 100% of their DNA
    • Dizygotic (DZ) twins- non-identical (fraternal), share 50% of their DNA
    • MZ twins have an increased concordance rate of developing schizophrenia than DZ twins 
    • Identical twins have the same genotype
    • However the way genes are expressed differs (phenotype)
    • Bio Psychologists believe that much of behaviour depends on inherited genes and the environment 
    • Biological Psychologists are also called “Nativists”
  • Neural (Neurochemistry)
    • Chemicals play a role in determining behaviour
    • At Synapses- signals are sent between neurones by neurotransmitters
    • Imbalance of neurotransmitters- atypical behaviour
    • EXAMPLE: Low levels of serotonin- depression, OCD
  • Neural (Brain Structure)
    • Another belief- structure of organs e.g. brain, CNS, peripheral nervous system (PNS) determines our behaviour
    • Different lobes of the brain- linked with general functions
    • EXAMPLE: Occipital Lobe- associated with visual perception
  • GENES:
    • Evolution occurs through genes
    • Natural selection by Darwin- survival of the fittest
    • Evolutionary advantage- passed from one generation to the next- those that don’t get the genes die out