Human behaviour = result of biological structures and processes within the body (genes, neurochemistry, nervous system).
The mind lives in the brain = thoughts, feelings and behaviour have a
physical bias. (differs from cognitive approach- mind is separate from the physical brain).
What is seretonin?
inhibitory— thought to inhibit aggressive responses to emotional stimuli and increase self-control
What is dopamine?
Regulates mood and attention and is linked to schizophrenia
What is endorphins?
Released when we feel pain or stress.
What is oxytocin?
Produced in the pituitary gland and produces feelings of contentment and calmness.
What is adrenaline?
Excitatory - linked to fight or flight
What is melatonin?
Produced by the pineal gland and helps to regulate sleep-wake cycles
What is cortisol?
Stress hormone released by the adrenal cortex in response to a stressor
What is neurochemistry?
Refers to the chemicals in the brain that regulate psychological functioning.
What is concordance?
The measure of similarity between individuals on a given trait.
Explain twin studies.
Used to determine the likelihood that certain traits have a genetic basis by comparing concordance rates (measure of similarities between 2 individuals on a given trait).
e.g. MZ= genetically identical, higher concordance rate suggests a genetic component.
What is a genotype?
Particular set of genes a person has (their actual genetic make up).
What is a phenotype?
Characteristics of an individual determined by genes and the environment (behaviour, physical and psychological characteristics).
Biological psychologists would accept that behaviour depends upon
interaction between inherited characteristics and the
environment (nature and nurture).
What are the strengths of the biological approach?
Uses scientific methods - range of precise and highly objective methods (e.g. scanning techniques such as fMRI and EEGs).
Real life application -Increased understanding of neurochemical processes in the brain is associated with the use of drugs to treat serious mental disorder (e.g. drugs to increase serotonin in synapses are used as antidepressants).
What are the limitations of the biological approach?
Has difficulty establishing cause and effect with neurotransmitters—for example, paracetamol.
Determinist: Sees human behaviour as governed by internal biological causes that we have no control over. The discovery of the 'criminal gene' may affect the legal system as it may excuse criminals for the behaviour.
Has difficulty separating nature vs nurture— MZ and DZ twins from the same family have the same gene, so from a biological approach perspective, the way they behave must be the same; however, this may not be the case.