
Cards (20)

  • what are the 4 types of experiments
    • laboratory
    • field
    • natural
    • quasi
  • lab experiments
    defined by the high level of control the researcher has
  • the experimenter would control environmental factors as well as the experience each participant experiences by using standardised conditions
  • demand characteristics - participants may alter their behaviour due to knowing what is expected from them or guessing the hypothesis
  • independent variable is manipulated by the researcher to see how it affects the dependent variable
  • advantage of lab experiments
    by controlling the variables one can establish a cause and effect relationship, the variation made in the IV cause the change in the DV.
  • Advantages of lab experiments
    high levels of control could be argued they lab experiments have high internal validity, the observed change in DV is due to the change in IV
  • advantages of lab experiments
    they are highly replicable due to standardised conditions.
  • negatives of lab experiments
    they lack ecological validity, a type of external validity meaning research cannot be applied to real live situations
  • negatives of lab experiments
    tasks are unusual and not like what we do in the real world, they lack mundane realism.
  • negative of lab experiments
    people know they are being experimented on , demand characteristics are more likely
  • Quasi
    IV has not been determined by the researcher and exists naturally
  • pros of quasi
    controlled conditions, high internal validity
  • cons of quasi
    cannot randomly allocate participants, more confounding variables present
  • field experiment
    natural environment where variables are being controlled
  • pros of field experiments
    high ecological validity, more naturalistic
  • cons of field experiments
    loss over control over extraneous variables, less replicable
  • natural experiment
    IV is brought about by the researcher
  • pros of natural experiments
    provides opportunities for research that would have not been allowed due to ethical reasons
  • cons of natural experiment
    • natural occurring events may be rare, les replicable
    • difficult to randomise