peer rewiew

Cards (22)

  • What is the role of peer review in research?
    Verification of research quality
  • Why is peer review important for research?
    It determines scientific acceptability
  • Who conducts the peer review process?
    Other experts in the field
  • How is peer review typically conducted?
    Independently and usually anonymously
  • What are the aims of peer reviews?
    • Assess research appropriateness
    • Check validity of findings
    • Judge significance of research
    • Ensure originality and no plagiarism
    • Suggest recommendations or amendments
  • How many experts usually conduct a peer review?
    More than one expert
  • What are the possible outcomes of a peer review?
    Accept, accept with amendments, reject with suggestions, reject outright
  • What are the three types of peer review?
    1. Open Review
    2. Single-blind Review
    3. Double-blind Review
  • What characterizes Open Review?
    Researchers and reviewers know each other
  • What is a Single-blind Review?
    Researcher's name is hidden from reviewers
  • What defines a Double-blind Review?
    Both researcher and reviewers are anonymous
  • What are the implications of psychological research on society?
    • Investigates real behaviors
    • Can lead to social change
    • Modifies existing ideas and practices
  • How does psychological research impact the economy?
    • Influences government spending on health
    • Affects education funding
    • Impacts leisure activities
    • Guides law enforcement budgets
    • Affects mental health treatment costs
  • What is an example of health-related research funding?
    Research into memory loss and dementia
  • How can stress among teachers affect school budgets?
    More money spent on supply agencies
  • What is an example of leisure-related funding?
    Money for bike lanes to promote cycling
  • How does fear of crime affect government spending?
    Increased recruitment of police officers
  • Why might doctors prefer drug therapy for depression?
    It is cheaper than cognitive behavioral therapy
  • What are the small-scale economic implications of psychological research?
    • Vulnerable people risk deteriorating mental health
    • Maternity leave affects women's reliability perception
    • Happy workforce leads to increased productivity
  • What is an economic implication of Schaffer & Emerson's findings?
    Parents can share childcare responsibilities
  • How does understanding eyewitness questioning help society?
    Reduces wrongful convictions and costs
  • What are the costs associated with miscarriages of justice?
    • Initial trial expenses
    • Cost of imprisonment
    • Appeals process costs
    • Re-trial expenses
    • Financial compensation for the wrongly-accused