self- report techniques

Cards (51)

  • What are self-report techniques in research?
    • Methods for individuals to express opinions
    • Include questionnaires and interviews
  • What is the purpose of questionnaires in self-report techniques?
    To assess thoughts or experiences through questions.
  • What is the difference between open and closed questions in questionnaires?
    Open questions allow free responses; closed restrict answers.
  • What type of data do open questions collect?
    Qualitative data.
  • What is a strength of open questions in questionnaires?
    They provide rich depth and detail.
  • What is a limitation of open questions in questionnaires?
    Difficult to convert to statistical data.
  • What type of data do closed questions collect?
    Quantitative data.
  • What is a strength of closed questions in questionnaires?
    Easy to analyze and compare data.
  • What is a limitation of closed questions in questionnaires?
    They lack depth and detail.
  • What is a Likert scale?
    A scale indicating agreement with a statement.
  • What is a rating scale used for in questionnaires?
    To identify strength of feeling about a topic.
  • What is a fixed choice scale in questionnaires?
    A list of options for respondents to select.
  • What is a strength of questionnaires in research?
    They gather large amounts of data quickly.
  • What is a limitation of questionnaires regarding target population?
    Hard to know who answered online surveys.
  • What is a challenge in assessing the validity of questionnaires?
    Social desirability bias may affect responses.
  • What is participant bias in questionnaires?
    Bias from factors like age or gender.
  • What is response bias in questionnaires?
    Participants agree with all questions without thought.
  • What are the strengths and limitations of questionnaires?
    • Cost-effective
    • Gathers large data quickly
    • Easy to analyze
    • Anonymous responses encourage honesty

    • Unknown target population responses
    • Time-consuming to design
    • Validity issues due to biases
  • What are the types of self-report techniques?
    • Questionnaires: Written questions for responses
    • Interviews: Live encounters for responses
  • What are the types of questions in questionnaires?
    • Open Questions: Free responses, qualitative data
    • Closed Questions: Fixed responses, quantitative data
  • What is an interview in research?
    A self-report where participants answer questions
  • What is the primary purpose of interviews?
    To collect thoughts, feelings, and opinions
  • How is an interview typically conducted?
    One-to-one process, in-person or remote
  • When might a researcher choose to use interviews?
    To understand feelings about specific issues
  • What characterizes a structured interview?
    Pre-prepared questions and strict adherence to script
  • What is a limitation of structured interviews?
    Predetermined questions may be restrictive
  • How do structured interviews minimize researcher effect?
    By requiring adherence to a standard script
  • What is a key feature of unstructured interviews?
    No pre-prepared set of questions
  • How do unstructured interviews differ from structured interviews?
    They allow for open-ended responses and flexibility
  • Why are unstructured interviews also called narrative interviews?
    Participants tell their stories freely
  • How can the researcher’s objectivity be compromised in unstructured interviews?
    By becoming too close to the participant
  • What is essential for designing interviews?
    Face-to-face communication between researcher and participant
  • What does the interview schedule determine?
    The nature and number of questions asked
  • Why is establishing rapport important before an interview?
    To make the participant feel relaxed and trusted
  • What should participants be informed about before the interview?
    Right to withdraw and confidentiality
  • What methods can researchers use to record participant responses?
    Written notes or audio/visual equipment
  • What must researchers ensure about their questions during an interview?
    Questions must be clear, coherent, and on-topic
  • What is a questionnaire?
    A self-report tool for collecting data
  • How should researchers treat participants during interviews?
    Without judgment and ensuring comfort
  • What types of questions can questionnaires include?
    Closed, open, or a combination of both