maternal deprivation

Cards (18)

  • define maternal deprivation
    separation between a caregiver and a child
  • what are the consequences of maternal deprivation?
    emotional and intellectual
  • who proposed the theory of maternal deprivation?
    bowlby in 1954
  • what was the study used to investigate maternal deprivation?
    bowlby's 44 thieves study in 1944
  • outline the procedure of the 44 thieves study
    88 children from london who were emotionally maladjusted
    • 1/2 were accused of stealing and other 1/2 were control group
    • interviewed for signs of affectionless psychopathy
    • interviewed families to establish prolonged periods of separation
    • compare data to control group
  • explain the findings of bowlby's 44 thieves study
    • 14 of the 44 thieves were affectionless psychopaths
    • 42% had prolonged separation
    • 17% had similar results in control group
  • define separation
    child is not in the presence of their primary attachment figure
  • define deprivation
    lack of emotional care
  • outline the effect of separation on child development
    no significant effect as long as there was a substitute caregiver to provide nurture, comfort, physical and emotional care
  • what's the effect of extended separations?
    deprivation causing emotional and developmental harm
  • outline the critical period that bowlby proposed
    first 2 years of a child's life is a critical period in emotional and psychological development
    • prolonged or frequent separation can lead to psychological damage
    • risk of damage continues until the age of 5
  • what did bowlby suggest that maternal deprivation would lead to?
    consequences on intellectual and emotional development
  • explain the consequences on intellectual development
    prolonged separation and deprivation leads to delays in intellectual development
    • Goldfarb - children who weren't adopted had lower IQs than those fostered or adopted
  • explain the consequences on emotional development
    • those with delayed or limited emotional development are affectionless psychopaths
    • difficulties in developing normal relationships
    • associates with criminality
  • define affectionless psychopaths
    lack emotion or affection toward others and lack remorse for their actions
  • weakness - overemphasis
    • bowlby's 44 thieves
    • confounding variables e.g. trauma
    • reduces validity
  • strength - animal studies
    • harlow
    • adult monkeys showed significant emotional and social problems
    • long-term issues
  • strength - real-world relevance
    • importance of continuous and stable attachment
    • detrimental effects of prolonged separation
    • practical application to hospitals and childcare