evolutionary theory

Cards (14)

  • who proposed the evolutionary theory?
  • what did this theory suggest?
    attachment is an innate process which is evolutionary beneficial
  • what are the 4 key elements to bowlby's evolutionary theory?
    1. monotropy
    2. social releasers
    3. critical period
    4. internal working model
  • what does ASCMIC stand for?
    • A = adaptive
    • S = social releasers
    • C = critical period
    • M = monotropy
    • I = internal working model
    • C = continuity hypothesis
  • outline monotropy
    infant has one primary attachment with a close bond
    • law of continuity - consistent care
    • law of accumulated separation - keeps separations to a minimum
  • explain what social releasers are
    innate infant characteristics encouraging nurturing response from an adult
    • cute facial features
  • outline the critical period
    infant must form an attachment within the first 2 years of their life
  • explain the internal working model
    child's attachment to caregiver provides a model of what relationships are like and how they work
  • what will happen if the child has a long sensitive attachment as a child?
    same qualities in later life with friends and romantic partners
  • what will happen if the child's quality of attachment is poor?
    more likely to have poor relationships with others and poor parenting skills
  • what does the continuity hypothesis suggest?
    securely attached infants will be socially and emotionally competent
  • weakness - monotropy
    • schaffer and emerson
    • other caregivers can be as significant as a mother
    • bowlby's theory is narrow in understanding complexity
  • strength - research support
    • cross-cultural evidence
    • proximity is a universal behaviour needed to form attachment
    • behaviours are innate
  • strength - real-world relevance
    • practical application in child development
    • critical period for foster care and adoption programs
    • improved outcomes for children at risk