learning theory

Cards (14)

  • what does the learning theory propose about attachment?
    attachment is formed when infant receives food
    • cupboard love idea: learn to love the person who feeds them
  • what are the 3 elements of the learning theory?
    1. classical conditioning
    2. operant conditioning
    3. secondary drive
  • who developed the learning theory?
    B.F. Skinner
  • outline classical conditioning
    learning through associating a stimulus with a response
  • give an example of classical conditioning in attachment
    • food (unconditioned stimulus) gives pleasure (unconditioned response)
    • caregiver (neutral stimulus) gives infant food
    • infant associates caregiver (conditioned stimulus) with food (conditioned response)
  • explain operant conditioning
    learning through rewards or punishments
  • what are the 2 types of operant conditioning?
    1. positive reinforcement
    2. negative reinforcement
  • give an example of positive reinforcement in attachment
    infants cry which produces a caring and comforting response from caregiver
  • give an example of negative reinforcement in attachment
    caregiver comforts infant to stop the crying
  • define negative reinforcement
    continuing a behaviour to avoid an undesirable outcome
  • outline secondary drive
    • biological compulsions e.g. hunger is a primary drive
    • caregiver reduces hunger so the attachment is a secondary drive
  • strength - emphasis on reinforcement
    • babies form attachment to caregiver as reinforced by responses to needs
    • infants receive consistent care and attention to form secure attachment
    • practical application to early child development
  • weakness - biology
    • ignores biological factors
    • attachment isn't a sole learned process
    • neglects role of evolutionary factors
  • weakness - animal studies
    • harlow
    • key role of comfort and emotional security in formation of attachment
    • emotional factors are essential