
Cards (22)

  • Hypothalamus  -It monitor the pituitary gland and releasing hormone
  • Gonadrotopin hormone  -It is a hormone release by hypothalamus to pituitary glands
  • What are the 2 hormone release by Pituitary glands in the bloodstream after stimulated by GNRH?
    Luteinizing hormone
    Follicle-realeasing hormone
  • Sertoli cells -It is a cells stimulated by FSH
  • Spermatogenesis- where Sertoli cells begin this process after stimulated by FSH
  • Leydig cells- it is a cells stimulated by LH
  • Testosterone - It is produce by Leydig cells after stimulated by LH
  • Testosterone- responsible for the development of secondary characteristics
  • What are the charges in male because of Testosterone?
    Deep voice
    Facial, axillary,  pubic hair
    Elevation of sex drive
  • Tested  -It is where FSH and LH act
  • Testosterone  -It stimulate the Sertoli cells even further for Spermatogenesis
  • Inhibin- it normalized the hormone by inhibiting FSH, GnRH  and LH to slowdown of spermatogenesis
  • Negative feedback- occurs in the male reproductive hormone when rising of testosterone act on the hypothalamus and pituitary ceasing  the release of hormone
  • Follicle- LH and FSH stimulate this in women body
  • Progesterone and estrogen - released by Follicle after stimulated by FSH and LH
  • Estrogen plays:

    Endometrium growth 
    Calcium Absorption
    Female characteristics
  • What are the second characteristics of women?
    Broadening hips
    Development of breast
    Bone maturation
  • Progesterone- assist the re-growth of endometrium and Inhibition of FSH and LH
  • FSH - It stimulate the development of development of follicle into egg cell or ova
  • Follicle produce inhibin
  • LH in women's body plays a part in
    •  Development of ova , ovulation and stimulation of estradiol
    • production of progesterone in ovary
  • Progesterone and Estogren- prepare the body to pregnancy and menstrual