Cards (7)

  • Selman proposed 5 levels of perspective taking:
    • ego centric
    • social informational
    • self reflective
    • mutual
    • social and conventional
  • What is egocentric?

    Ages 3-6: children can only d distinguished themselves physically and cannot recognise psychological differences between themselves and others.
    e.g. three mountains task.
  • What is social informational?
    Ages 6-8: children began to understand that people have different perspectives.
  • What us self reflective?
    Ages 8-10: the child can take on another person's perspective that compared to their own perspective.
  • What is mutual?

    Ages 10-12: the child can understand other people have different views based on their different beliefs.
    e.g. euthanasia
  • What is social and conventional?
    Ages 12+: the adolescent understands different viewpoints can be the source of conflict.
    e.g. abortion debate.
  • Holly and the kitten
    Someone presents children different ages with personal dilemmas
    Holly falls from a tree and is told by her father not to climb trees anymore
    She is then face with a quandry when her friend's cat gets stuck in a tree and only she can rescue it.