
Cards (8)

  • Civic nationalism - shared vision of society and pride in political institutions and beliefs of the nation e.g the usa tends to be progressive and inclusive.
  • Culturalism - a sociert based on shared cultural values and often ethnicity. common where a nation has a distincitve culture, relgion or language. can be strong where a culture is under threat from am ore dominant one e.g welsh natioanlism aims to preserve welsh language and culture.
  • the basis of chauvinistic nationalism where there is a beleif that the nations culture is superior - this can lead to exclusion and terrible treatment of other groups creating a 'them' and 'us': Nazis in Germany
  • Cultural nationalism
    • society based around the language, culture , hsitory and traditions of the nation
    • leads to a collective identity, sense of national pride, often seen displayed around major national events or sporting occasions
    • can be that a distincitve culture is seen as being under threat and needs protecting (Breton in France)
  • Cultural nationalism: Extreme
    • Chauvinism: Belief your nation is superior and lead to militarism and expansionism between the world wars
    • Combines with ethnic nationalism leads to ideas like Nazi idealogy which include chauvinism and racialism and divides society into them and us. This attiude to society can be seen in nativists
  • Civic nationalism
    • Pride in political instituitons and political ideas more important than claim to national idenetity
    • Political values in civic nationalism tend to match those of liberalism
    • Civic nationalism built up thrhough education and reinforced through media
    • Often associated with partiotism
    • Can lead to use of citizen tests, requirements to learn the language for citizenship
    • In the UK the focus on british values education can be seen as a n attempt to reinforce civic nationalism in the increasingly multi-cultural britain.
  • Liberal internationalism: International community
    • Promotes the diea of independent nation states, but they should co-operate
    • leads to concept of society being at an international not national level and therefore clashes with nationalist ideas
    • Liberal democractic form of the state is desirable and all states should conform to it
    • Liberal democractic values should be protected through international co-operation
    • Best example is the EU - state have to show they are truly democractic and respect human rights.
  • socialist internationlism : Attacks nationlism
    • Socialism especially the key thinker Marx focus on class and see other social divisions as merely reflrections of capitalist oppression. Nationalism they see in this category.
    • Nationalism is an illusied aimed at dsitracting the working classes from class consciousness
    • Workers from different nations have a common causes against capitalists
    • socialists internationalists reject nationalism and socialsits in genral reject it unless it is connected to ensuring a socialist state