self-determination - nation seeks to rule themselves. links to revoluationary movements e.g America, anti-colonialism is South America, Asia, Europe and Africa. Promoted by president woodrow wilson following WW1.
Nation state: connecting collective national identity (language, culture, ethnicity, history, religion) with statehood. This state is sovereign and has international status.
Some states are multinational e.g Britain and the Russian federation. some like the USA have shared values but people of many different national origins. Some nations dont have a state.
Self determination
stems from enlightement ideas and the writing of Jean - Jacques Rousseau. In this period people sought self - determination and the ideas influenced revolutions in France and America. The link to demoncracy continued when empires fell and nations sought self determination
self determinations woodrow
In 1918 Woodrow wilson set out principles:
Any recognisable nation that aspires to self government should be granted it
all states should respect the sovereignty of such nations
threats to sovereignty of these nations should be seen as a threat to the whole international community. - key to the League of Nations
The nation state
nation state combines the idea of nationhood or collective idenetity with a political unit.
The nation is both a group held together by language, culture, ethnicity, common history or religion and a sovereign political unit
Forming a nation state is seen as key to self determination for post colonial nationalists.
Liberal internationalists want a world of independent nation -states
conservative nationalists see nation states as cohesive units that are bound together
Chauvinistic nationlists see the nation - states as the ideal, but only for the developed or strong
Variation in nation -states
some states are multinational, with more than one national grouping
Some nations exists within another nation - state e.g Scottish and welsh in the UK. They may or may not seek independence but will seek respect for their language and culture
Some states don't contain a single national identity. Patriotism in these nations tend to focus on pride in the state or in diversity