milankovitch cycles

Cards (12)

  • Who was Milankovitch?
    A mathematician who studied earth‘s position in space between 1912 and 1941
  • What is the ORBITAL theory?
    The earth‘s orbit of the sun changes shape over a period of time to become more or less elliptical
  • How many years does the ORBITAL theory occur over?
    100,000 years
  • What is another term for ORBITAL theory?
  • In the ORBITAL theory, what does a MORE ELLIPTICAL orbit lead to?
    Colder temperatures
  • What is the AXIAL TILT theory?
    The earth usually rotates at 23°. This is what causes long days and night at the poles.
  • How many years does the AXIAL TILT theory occur over?
    40,000 years
  • In the AXIAL TILT theory, what does a MORE TILTED earth lead to?
    The seasons become more pronounced
  • What is the WOBBLE theory?
    The earth wobbles as it orbits, affecting the seasons
  • What is another term for the WOBBLE theory?
  • On how many years does the WOBBLE theory occur?
    21,000 years
  • What could happen when all 3 Milankovitch cycles collide at their lowest point of insolation?
    They could potentially trigger an ice age