unit 1-4 : cumulative review

Cards (100)

  • Carbon sequestration

    Process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
  • Carbon sink

    Natural or artificial reservoir that absorbs and stores carbon dioxide
  • Carbon source
    Natural or artificial reservoir that releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
  • Nitrogen cycle
    Process by which nitrogen is converted between its various chemical forms
  • Fixation
    Conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into a form usable by plants
  • Denitrification
    Conversion of nitrates back into atmospheric nitrogen
  • Extinction
    The complete disappearance of a species from the Earth
  • Adaptations
    Traits or characteristics that help organisms survive and reproduce in their environment
  • Species survival
    Factors other than diversity that contribute to the long-term survival of a species
  • Ecosystem services
    Benefits that humans receive from ecosystems, such as clean water, air, and food
  • Provisional services: Ecosystem services that involve the production of renewable resources; goods taken from ecosystems or made from natural resources
  • Regulating services

    Ecosystem services that control important ecological processes
  • Supporting services
    Ecosystem services that are necessary for the production of all other ecosystem services
  • Cultural services
    Ecosystem services that provide cultural, aesthetic, or recreational benefits
  • Theory of Island Biogeography
    The study of the factors that affect species diversity on islands
  • Primary succession

    The process of ecological succession that occurs in an area without soil
  • Secondary succession

    The process of ecological succession that occurs in an area with existing soil
  • Pioneer species
    The first species to colonize a barren or disturbed area
  • Climax community
    The final stage of succession, characterized by a stable and diverse community of organisms
  • Biodiversity
    The variety of life in a particular habitat or ecosystem
  • Genetic diversity
    The variety of genes within a species
  • Species diversity
    The variety of species within a community or ecosystem
  • Ecosystem diversity
    The variety of ecosystems within a region
  • Anthropogenic impacts

    Human activities that negatively affect biodiversity
  • Species richness
    The number of different species in a community
  • Species evenness
    The relative abundance of each species in a community
  • Populations
    Groups of individuals of the same species that live in the same area
  • Birth rate
    The number of births per 1,000 individuals in a population per year
  • Death rate
    The number of deaths per 1,000 individuals in a population per year
  • Age structure diagrams
    Graphical representations of the distribution of age groups in a population
  • Total fertility rate
    The average number of children born to a woman in her lifetime
  • Replacement level fertility rate
    The fertility rate at which a population replaces itself from one generation to the next
  • Developing countries
    Countries with lower levels of industrialization and income
  • Developed countries
    Countries with higher levels of industrialization and income
  • Doubling time
    The time it takes for a population to double in size
  • Percent change of growth
    The percentage increase or decrease in population size over a specific period of time
  • Keystone species
    A species that has a disproportionately large effect on its environment relative to its abundance
  • Generalist species
    A species that can survive in a wide range of environmental conditions and can eat a variety of foods
  • Specialist species
    A species that has a narrow range of environmental conditions in which it can survive and a limited diet
  • R-strategist
    A species that has a high reproductive rate and produces many offspring, but provides little parental care