Freud was an Austrianneurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis
Through psychoanalysis, Freud believed that people could be cured of various mental ailments
Freud believed that a person's development is determined by childhood events which have either been forgotten or repressed
Where the conscious mind conflicts with the unconscious mind, trauma or mental illness can occur
Freud produced the best-known account of the conscience as a psychological phenomenom
Psychoanalysis often brings repressed events to the surface
Karl Popper dismissed psychoanalysis as non-falsifiable pseudoscience
Richard Feynman labelled both psychiatrists and psychoanalysts as witch doctors
The ID is an unconscious, instinctive part of the brain responsible for basic needs and desires
The ego is a rational faculty that takes others into account
The superego develops in early childhood as it internalises the voices of authority figures. It commands or threatens in later life
Freud sees the conscience as no more than an expression of the wishes of a person's parents or other significant adults
Freud argues the conscience cannot be seen as the voice of God, or as an expression of the natural self
Freud says we may think God plays a role in the conscience; however it is just a control mechanism alongside our parents and societies expectations of us
Freud states those brought up in religious homes were subject to 'child-abuse' as a belief in God is the source of much guilt and shame