Sebastian and Hernandez A01

Cards (9)

  • Aim
    To investigate the development of the Phonological Loop through adolescence and aging
  • Type of Experiment
    Field Experiment
  • IV
    Year group being tested
  • DV
    Mean Verbal Digit Span
  • English Sample
    575 School children (Pre-school, Primary and Secondary)
  • Spanish Sample
    13 Year groups, no cognitive impairments
  • Procedure
    At break time, children we're tasked to recall 3 digit sequences that read audibly to them, 1 second interval per digit. The sequence increased by 1 digit every time they passed a round. Their result was the longest length that they got 2 out of 3 for
  • Findings
    • 5 Years - 3.76
    • 11 Years 5.28
    • 17 Years - 5.91
    • Healthy Elderly Participants scored better than participants aged 5-6, but Elderly with fvFTD scored lower than participants aged 5-6
  • Conclusion
    • Both studies on adolescents and elderly show Verbal Digit Span increases until age 17
    • English children scored better then Spanish due to the Word Length Effect
    • Age is a more impactful factor to Verbal Digit Span than Dementia