Faith and Reason

Cards (9)

  • What is faith?

    Having trust or belief in something
  • What is reason?
    Using logic to justify and explain the causes of things around us; usually through science
  • Some see faith in God as unreasonable, holding that truth is scientific. However the belief that God exists is a reasonable idea based on evidence. For others, only faith gives certainty
  • What is belief in?
    Accepting statements of God’s existence through faith. Affects our way of life
  • What is belief that?
    believe something but don’t practice it. It holds little value. Eg Anselm ‘God exists’
  • Paley’s Design argument: value for faith
    Supports faith by reasoning, matches Pope John Paul II’s argument that faith and reason should be mutually supportive. Our faith in God can be supported through the observations and experiences of the universe
    Forms a reasonable defence of religious faith against atheism, which has no more evidence for the non-existence of God than Paley has for God’s existence
    Paley’s argument is a reasonable interpretation of evidence that we see around us. Leads to conclusion that in all probability God exists
  • Paley’s Design Argument: weaknesses for faith
    Offers no support for faith. Faith is separate and different to reason and therefore faith does not depend on reason or proof
  • Aquinas’ Cosmological Argument: value for faith 

    Universe owes its existence to an uncaused necessary being. According to supporters this boosts their faith.
    Based on observations of the world; they are logic. People of faith can understand them and they help their faith.
    Aquinas believes faith and reason belong together. Our conscience and ability to make right and wrong decisions is based upon using our reason along with our faith in God to determine what is right or wrong
  • Anselm’s Ontological Argument: value for faith
    Argument was intended as a prayer. Prayer is all about faith. Faith that you are talking personally to God. The argument has its basis in an act of faith.
    Encouraging people through this prayer to enter a spiritual journey.
    Anselm argues that reason and faith belong together. To have an active love for God (faith) means seeking a deeper knowledge (reason)