Mitosis in cell division type that produces identical new cells for growth, cell replacement and tissue repair; Apoptosis is programmedcell death, and is constantly replacing/destroying cells through early development
Mitosis: Cell cycle section regulated by homeobox and hox genes, every cell in organism has all DNA and all needed genes; in cell differentiation some are switched off (cannot be expressed), remember normal body cells can only divide 50 times before dying
Apoptosis: Induced to commit suicide, Necrosis: Killed by injury (mechanical damage, infection, toxic chemical exposure) of infection
In necrosis, cells undergo changes: cell and organelles swell (plasma membrane can’t control ion and water passage), cell contents lack out, inflaming surrounding tissue
Integral for proper development (e.g. removal of tadpole tail, removal of tissue between fingers and toes in foetus, menstruation, creation of neuronal connections)
Destroy cells threatening to organism integrity (e.g. kill virus-infected cells, prevent autoimmune cells, kill cell’s with damaged DNA or cancerous cells)
Regulated by hox genes; expression regulated by stimuli:
Internal: DNA damage (detected in cell cycle), signalling (cytokines, hormones, growth factors and nitric oxide) or psychological stress
External: Light intensity, temperature, pathogen, lack of nutrients or drugs (e.g. thalidomide)