why is it essential that heart rate can be changed?
uncontrolled can cause highpressure which can cause damage to capillaries and organs
exercise - needs to be higher so you can get more oxygen
sleep - lower rate to not waste energy
what is an accelerator nerve?
a part of the sympathetic NS and delivers a higher than usual frequency of impulses to the sinoatrial node to increase the heart rate
what is a vagus nerve?
opposite to accelerator nerve, part of parasympathetic NS and works to decrease heart rate by delivering a lower than usual frequency of impulses to the sinoatrial node
what is a chemoreceptor?
detect chemical changes, e.g. oxygen concentration, carbondioxide levels, pH of blood
what is a baroreceptor?
detects changes in blood pressure
what is the carotid artery?
primaryvessels supplying blood to brain and face
where are chemoreceptors found?
carotid artery
what occurs when there is a lowered pH?
high CO2 concentration, carbonic acid is formed when CO2 interacts with water in the blood
chemoreceptors detect this and trigger increasedheart rate
blood flows quickly to lungs so CO2 can be exhaled