
Cards (6)

  • As men are typically seen as the more aggressive sex, higher levels of testosterone may influence higher aggression
  • Research has shown that an enzyme called aromatase may be an important fcator in whether testosterone infleunces aggression.
    Aromatase is a chemical that metabolises testosterone in the brain- meaning it converts testosterone into other hormones, which are associated with higher levels of aggression
  • Therefore higher levels of aromatase might mean higher levels of aggression
  • Evidence shows a strong link between testosterone and aggression. For instance, one study found a positive correlation between testosterone levels and aggressive acts committed in prison in 60 male offenders with histories of violent behaviour. This suggests that people with higher testosterone are likely to have higher aggression.
  • However, most research into effects of testosterone in humans in correlational. Meaning they lack control over extraneous variables. Even if a relationship is found between levels of testosterone and aggression, there could be an issue with direction of causality
  • Saying that aggression is caused by testosterone is deterministic and socially sensitive. It is deterministic because saying that aggression is caused by hormonal factors that are beyond our control implies we lack free will. Which means the theory is also socially sensitive because implying that people aren't responsible for their aggressive acts. hormonal explanations also implies that society cannot punish aggressive crimes