biological treatment

Cards (13)

  • aim of drug therapy
    modulate dopamine levels to reduce symptoms
  • what are the 2 types of antipyschotics?
    1. typical
    2. atypical
  • example of typical antipsychotics
  • outline atypical antipsychoticsmechanism of action
    • dopamine antagonists
    • block receptors in dopaminergic system
    • reduces dopamine transmission which alleviates positive symptoms
  • effectiveness of typical antipsychotics
    • reduces positive symptoms
    Thornley et al - patients treated with drug showed better overall functioning and reduced symptom severity
  • side effects of typical antipsychotics
    • movement disorders
    • involuntary facial movements
    • sedation
  • example of an atypical antipsychotic
    • clozapine
    • risperidone
  • outline atypical antipsychotic mechanism of action
    • block dopamine receptors temporarily
    • affect serotonin and glutamate receptors to improve mood and cognitive functioning
  • effectiveness of atypical antipsychotics
    • more effective at treating negative symptoms
    Meltzer - clozapine helped 30 to 50% of patients who didn't respond to typical antipsychotics
  • side effects of atypical antipsychotics
    • weight gain
    • dizziness
    • drowsiness
  • strength of drug therapies - evidence
    • Thornley et al - chlorpromazine was more effective than placebos
    • Meltzer - clozapine was effective for patients resistant to other treatments
    • valuable treatment
  • weakness of drug therapies - individual difference
    • severe side effects
    • e.g. involuntary movements, movement disorders or fatal conditions
    • reduces overall effectiveness
  • weakness of drug therapies - theoretical issues
    • reliance on dopamine hypothesis
    • atypical antipsychotics also act on serotonin and glutamate which indicates alternative causes
    • suggests more complex neurobiological explanation