psychological explanation

Cards (27)

  • what do cognitive explanations focus on?
    focuses on dysfunctional thought processes and cognitive distortions
  • what is the key principle of cognitive explanation?
    dysfunctional thought processing
  • main assumption of cognitive explanations of schizophrenia
    schizophrenia arises due to impairments in the way the brain processes information
  • what are the 2 main components affect by dysfunctional thought processing?
    1. metarepresentation
    2. central control
  • who proposed dysfunctional thought processing?
    Frith in 1992
  • define metarepresentation
    ability to reflect on thoughts, intentions and mental state of others
  • outline struggles of impaired metarepresentation
    • recognise own thoughts as self-generated = delusions
    • understand intentions of others = paranoia
    • distinguish between reality and hallucinations
  • define central control
    ability to suppress automatic responses
  • outline impact of central control dysfunction
    difficulty inhibiting inappropriate thoughts
  • what symptoms does central control dysfunction lead to?
    • disorganised speech
    • thought disorder
    • inability to filter sensory information = hallucinations
  • weakness of cognitive explanation - incomplete
    • doesn't explain origins of schizophrenia
    • brain imaging shows importance of dopamine dysregulation and abnormal neural activity
    • consequence rather than cause
  • strength of cognitive explanation - evidence
    • Stirling et al used Stroop test
    • participants had to name the ink colour of a word whilst ignoring actual word
    • showed impaired central control as schizophrenia patients took longer
  • strength of cognitive explanation - relevance
    • practical application to CBTp
    • involves challenging irrational beliefs particularly delusions and hallucinations
    • supports involvement of faulty thought processing
  • what does family dysfunction refer to?
    negative family environments and dysfunctional communication contribute to development of schizophrenia
  • what are the 3 principles to family dysfunction explanation of schizophrenia?
    1. schizophrenogenic mother
    2. double-blind theory
    3. expressed emotion
  • who proposed the idea of schizophrenogenic mother?
    fromm-reichmann in 1948
  • outline key features of the schizophrenogenic mother
    • cold & rejecting - lack of warmth or affection
    • controlling & overprotective - dominate child's life
    • rejecting - leads to confusion
    creates paranoia which triggers delusions and disorganised thinking
  • who proposed the double-blind theory?
    bateson et al in 1956
  • outline key features of the double-blind theory
    • child is given conflicting verbal and non-verbal cues
    • child can't respond appropriately
    • damages ability to trust own perspectives
    leads to paranoia, delusions and disorganised thinking
  • who proposed the idea of expressed emotion?
    Brown in 1959
  • outline key components of expressed emotion
    • critical comments - harsh or negative remarks about behaviour
    • hostility - rejection and aggression towards individual
    • emotional over-involvement - excessive worry, control and interference in patient's life
  • what's the contribution to schizophrenia by expressed emotion?
    • high expressed emotion creates stress which can trigger a relapse
    • supports diathesis-stress model
  • strength of family dysfunction - support
    • Read et al found 69% of female and 59% of male schizophrenia patients experienced child abuse
    • adverse family environments may trigger schizophrenia
    • supports link between childhood and disorder
  • define schizophrenogenic
    schizophrenia causing
  • weakness of family dysfunction - lacks comprehension
    • consequence rather than cause
    • high expressed emotion may be a reaction to difficulties of living with someone who has schizophrenia
    • difficult to establish causal relationship
  • weakness of family dysfunction - blame
    • schizophrenogenic mother can lead to guilt and stigma
    • discourages families from seeking support due to fear of blame
    • socially sensitive and ethical concerns
  • what's the main assumption of the schizophrenogenic mother?
    schizophrenia is caused by cold, rejecting and controlling mother who creates toxic family environment