New age movments

Cards (32)

  • What does New Age spirituality reject?
    Obligation and obedience to external authority
  • What is emphasized in New Age spirituality?
    Life as a journey of discovery
  • How does individualism manifest in New Age spirituality?
    Individuals decide what is true for themselves
  • What are the key concepts of self-spirituality and self-religion?
    • Personal development
    • Autonomy
    • Connecting with one's inner self
  • Who criticizes secularization theory for assuming religion is declining?
  • What does Lyon argue about unconventional beliefs?
    They are growing in a period of re-enchantment
  • What does Lyon point to as evidence of non-traditional religion's vitality?
    The growth of unconventional beliefs in the West
  • What is suggested by the term 'spiritual revolution'?
    Traditional Christianity is giving way to holistic spirituality
  • How can the spiritual market be observed?
    Through self-help books and therapies
  • What are the differences between religion and spirituality according to Heelas and Woodhead?
    • Religion: duty, self-sacrifice, external authority
    • Spirituality: discovery, personal development, inner self
  • What percentage of the population attended church in 2000?
  • What percentage of the population participated in holistic milieu activities in 2000?
  • What trend did Heelas and Woodhead observe in traditional churches?
    They are losing support
  • What explains the growth of New Age spirituality according to Heelas and Woodhead?
    A subjective turn in today's culture
  • What is the problem of scale in New Age spirituality according to Bruce?
    It needs to grow larger to fill gaps
  • What percentage of parents involved in New Age said their children shared their interests in Kendal?
  • What did Glendinning and Bruce find about commitment to New Age beliefs?
    Serious commitment is very rare
  • Why does New Age spirituality lack cohesion as a movement?
    Everyone is free to believe whatever they wish
  • What does Bellah's concept of 'Sheilaism' illustrate?
    Self-religion and personal belief systems
  • How many activities and practitioners are estimated in the New Age in the UK?
    2000 activities and 146000 practitioners
  • What are the two common themes characterizing the New Age according to Heelas?
    Self-spirituality and detraditionalization
  • How do New Age beliefs vary?
    World-affirming and world-rejecting aspects
  • What does John Drane argue about New Age movements?
    They reflect a shift towards postmodern society
  • What has caused disillusionment with experts and professionals?
    Failures of science and churches to meet needs
  • What does Bruce argue about the growth of New Age spirituality?
    It is a feature of modern society
  • How does Bruce describe New Age beliefs in relation to traditional Eastern religions?
    They are softer versions of demanding traditions
  • Why are New Age activities often considered audience or client cults?
    They make few demands on followers
  • How is New Age spirituality linked to modernity according to Heelas?
    1. Source of identity
    2. Consumer culture dissatisfaction
    3. Rapid social change
    4. Decline of organized religion
  • What does the New Age offer in response to modern society's fragmented identity?
    A source of authentic identity
  • How does New Age spirituality address consumer culture?
    It offers an alternative way to achieve perfection
  • What does New Age spirituality provide in response to rapid social change?
    A sense of certainty and truth
  • How does modernity lead to the decline of organized religion?
    It results in secularization