-an addicted gambler writes down phrases related to gambling like ' i'm off to the casino' and non-gambling phrases like ' i'm going straight home' are included.
-Client reads cards aloud when a gambling related card is called out, the client is given an electric shock. The pairing of UCR if pain is associated with gambling related behaviours CS. Then clients craving subside.
Aversion therapy for nicotine addicts
-Involves rapid smoking. Client will smoke excessively over a short period of time (puff 6-10, 3 mins or until the cigarettes have gone.
-excessive inhalation of nicotine causes unpleasant nausea.
-The client avoids the control stimulus (smoking) been conditioned to associate with aversive response (nausea).
Covert sensitisation
-is a form of aversion therapy but occurs in vitro (imagined) compared to in vivo (actual experience).
CS - steps
Client is encouraged to relax
Therapist reads from a script instructing the client to imagine an aversive situation.
The client sees themselves smoking followed by imagining an unpleasant consequence (vomiting). The more vivid the imagery the better. The therapist goes into graphic detail about specific elements like smell, sights, sounds and tastes
Imagines a scene where they say no to a cigarette and then they have feelings of relief.
Aversion therapy
-works on the principles of CC.
-It's used to help a person give up a behaviour, usually of biological nature like drugs, nicotine or alcohol, by having them associate it with an unpleasant behaviour.