Aversion Therapy

Cards (3)

  • Research evidence:

    Curtiss et al examined how successful AT was in treating addiction. There was 2 groups: one involved a discussion and rapid smoking and one just involved a discussion. 5 months after treatment they were assessed on the amount of smoking they do. Results - both groups decreased their smoking and there was no significant difference from group who had received AT too. AT had no greater impact than discussion therapy alone.
  • Unethical:

    there is physical harm caused, loss of dignity and may become traumatised. This is why some individuals don't adhere to the treatment. Makes it hard for the research to assess the efficacy of AT. Those that don't adhere to the treatment may all share similar characteristics.
  • Research support - Danaher - Individual differences
    -tested how effective AT could be using rapid smoking. Ot worked well for some but not everyone. This suggests that its effectiveness depends on individual differences. e.g. age, health number of cigarettes you smoke.