basic instincts and drives, disturbing thoughts that are repressed
what does our preconscious contain?
thoughts we can become aware of through dreams or Freudian slips
what is the tripartite personality?
consists of the ID, ego and superego
what is the ID?
Primitive part of personality, present at birth
Acts on pleasure principle and demands instantgratification
what is the ego?
emerges at 2
acts on reality principle
uses defence mechanisms for protection
mediates between Id and superego
what is the superego?
emerges at 5
acts on morality principle
punished ego through guilt
What are the three defence mechanisms?
Repression, denial and displacement
what are defence mechanisms?
used by ego to help protect itself from the demands of the Id and superego.
we are neveraware of these, protect from temporarytrauma but long term can cause mentalhealth problems
what is repression?
a distressingmemory is locked away in the unconscious mind
what is denial?
refusing to acknowledgedistressing aspects of reality
what is displacement?
transferring emotions from their true source onto a substitutetarget
what do the five psychosexual stages determine?
adult personality, if a conflict at one stage is unresolved this leads to fixation where you are stuck and carry the behavioursassociated through to adult life
What is stage one?
Oral (0-1 years)
Pleasure focus is mouth
what is stage two?
Anal (1-3 years)
pleasure focus is the anus
what is stage three?
Phallic (3-5 years)
pleasure focus is the genitals
what is stage 4?
Latent (aged 6 to puberty)
earlier conflicts are repressed
what is stage 5?
genital (puberty onwards)
sexualdesired become conscious
What is the Oedipus complex?
Psychosexual conflict at the phallic stage.
Boys develop incestuous feelings towards mother and murderous hatred towards father. Later they repress these feelings and identify with their father, taking on his role and values
Girls experience penisenvy
what are the consequences of fixation at the Oral stage?
smoking, nail biting and sarcasm
what are the consequences of fixation at the anal stage?
overindulgence if anal expulsion (messy and thoughtless)
too strict if anal retentive (perfectionism)
what are the consequences of fixation at the phallic stage?
self obsessed,reckless, possibly homosexual
what are the consequences of fixation at the genital stage?
difficulty forming romanticrelationships
how do you remember the psychosexual stages?
Evaluation 1:
LIMITATION Casestudies for evidence, eg Little Hans
Freuds work has been criticised for this as his ideas and explanations are not based on anything, no proof they are correct. Cannot be generalised as such a limited sample, lack scientific rigour
evaluation 2:
LIMITATION not scientific: includes untestable concepts (popper) Not falsifiable as cannot be proved or disproved. Concepts are unconscious and based on Freuds own beliefs. Becomes a pseudoscience (fake)
evaluation 3:
STRENGTH practical application: psychoanalysistherapy accesses the unconscious mind, used to help those with mental conditions eg depression, anxiety or phobias. Paved way for modern day therapy
evaluation 4:
LIMITATION Based on psychic determinism, extremely determinist stance and suggests free will has noinfluence, can be negative as people believe they have nocontrol